Saturday 4 September 2010

After school

Wednesday, 1 September

I played football with my friends after school. I like watching a football game, but I don't often play football. So I worried about whether I can play football or not. But everyone was very kind. They taught me and passed me a ball. I could enjoy it!

After that we went to the pub near the university. We talked about football and something in York. It was very nice time! And I went to Shigeki and Hiroki's house to yake dinner in their house! Their host mother, Rebecca is good at cooking! The menu is pasta! It was delicious! And I talked to them and I spent a good time. 


Monday, 30 August
I went to Edinburgh with my friends on Bank holiday!
It was very cold and windy on Sunday, but it was sunny and comfortable on Monday.
It took for about 3 hours from York to Edinburgh because the train stopped for some problems for 15 minutes. But I could arrive at 11am.

First I went to Edinburgh Castle. It was very big and there is a high placs. So I could look at the very beautiful scenery. And I walked around the castle. There are some museums, souvenir shops and photo spots. I enjoyed so much!!

After going to the castle, we went to Scotch museum. We listened about history of scotch and how to make scotch. And I could find my favorite scotch and buy it as the souvenir for my parents.
After that we went up stairs at the monument. It was very vey high! But I could take some lovely photos. It was a valuable experience for me.I enjoyed my bank holiday trip!

Sunday 29 August 2010

Castle Howard

Sunday, 28 August

I went to Castle Howard with my hostfamily! It took for an hour by car from our house. It was similar to Harewood House and it had very big house and very very big garden.
Especially the gardens were so beautiful. There were many kinds of gardens. We took lunch at the garden in front of the house.

After lunch I entered into the house. There were many types of rooms and a lot of paintings on the wall. I could take some pictures. After enjoy the house, we walked around the gardens. Sometimes it rained and it was very windy, but I could enjoy at Castle Howard. And above all I could talk with my hostfamily and play with the baby, so I was very happy!!! I enjoyed my homestay life.

at Liverpool

Saturday, 27 August

I woke up at 5:30 and I left home at 6:30 to go to Liverpool with my friends!!!
I took the train at 7:40 and it took about for 2 hours from York to Liverpool. First we went to the art museum near by the station. There were many old paintings and they were very beautiful.

After the museum we we went to Mathew Street! It is very famous by Beatles! We bought some souvenirs! In the souvenir shop there were many tourists.

And many people took the pictures. Of course I took many lovely photos! For example I took a photo with John Lennon statue!

Then we went to Albert Dock, TATE museum, Liverpool Cathedral and many shops. Especially I loved TATE museum! It was the modern art museum. There were a lot of interesting works. I want to go again! Because we had a little time, so I couldn't enjoy slowly.

Liverpool was the very exciting city! I enjoyed the weekend trip!   

Castle Museum and Ghost Hunt

Wednesday, 25 August

I went to city center with my friends after morning classes. Because we went to Castle Museum! We had a little time, so we went to Holy Trinity church to search about it before going Castle Museum. And we could get some information!

After going to Holy Trinity Church, we went to Castle Museum. It was very very big! There were many kinds of exhibitions. Especially I was interested in old machines. I could spend good time.

At the evening I went to Ghost Hunt! It started from Shambles at 7:30. The storyteller was interesting and he spoke very big voice, so I could understand about a half of his talking. I enjoyed it very much!!

Service in York Minster and Durham

Sunday, 21 August

On Sunday I left my accommodation at 9:20. Because I wanted to attend the service in York Minster. I arrived at York Minster at 9:55 and I could participate in the service with my friends.

It started at 10:00. During the service, we sang some hymns and listen to choral singing and the talk. We could spend a great time.

After the service we went to York Railway Station to take the train to Durham. We could buy the return tickets and at 11:36 we took the train.

Durham was very beautiful city! We could walk around the city by foot because it was small city. First, we went to Durham Cathedral. It is a World Heritage site and it is opened to the public for free. And in its garden Harry Potter was took a film.  But we couldn't take some photos. 

Second we went to Durham Castle, the one more World Heritage site in Durham. It was closed for a wedding, so we took some photos only the exterior of the building.

Finally we went shopping and we ate ice cream! It was nice short trip!!

Sunday 22 August 2010

Football Match and Organ Recitals

Saturday, 21 August

I went to Championship of soccer match to Leeds. My seat was behind the goal so I became so excited! There were many supporters of Leeds United and they were warming up! We sang the club song with them and supported in a loud voice! Finally Leeds United won, 3-1.

After came back to York, I went to city centre with my friend.
We went the pub and ate fish and chips! After dinner we went to Organ Recitals 2010 in York Minster at 19:00. It was a great performance! Because the performance suited an air of fantastic Minster at night. And 5songs were performed by the pipe organ. These songs were different types of music. After the recitals we talked with the pipe organist and shook hands!

Afternoon Tea

Friday, 20 August

I went to city centre with my friends after classes.
Because we wanted to take afternoon tea! So we went to the famous cafe, Betty's cafe.
In the 4 bus I could buy a return ticket and a student discount! £3.2→£2.5!!


In the store, they were sold that chocolates, cookies, some tea, some cakes and so on.
I bought some English Breakfast tea as the souvenir for my family.

Traditional Afternoon Tea

Of course, we chose afternoon tea!We took some tea and we ate 3 dishes.The bottom dish was some sandwiches. The middle dish was the scone with butter and jam. The top dish was cakes. There were a eclair, a piece of  lemon cake and a berry tart.
It was so delicious! Before I came to York I wanted to take afternoon tea, so I was happy so much!

After going out from Betty's we were taking a walk in the city centre. Then it rained! But we didn't have an umbrella. So we run to the bus stop but we got wet. It often rains in UK so we should take an umbrella always!

York city centre

Wednesday, 18 August

I went to York city centre with Ms Joyce and my classroom students.
We took a walk around York Minster and took many photos!!
In York there were a lot of great buildings and beautiful scenery, so the photos which I took were lovely like postcards.

 In Shambles

Here is the narrow alley and a stone pavement.
There are many kinds of shops, for example a chocolate shop, an accessory shop, pubs and so on. In the time of the Viking, these buildings were built. Almost buildings are bigger upstairs than ground floors.

Holy Trinity Church

Here is the quiet and small church.
It has different types of seats from other churches.
In this church there are the box seats of family.
I could sit down there.
And there are beautiful stained glass!!

York Minster

Here is the biggest Gothic cathedral in UK.
It made a strong impression on me!!!

But I could not enter, so next time I want to see inside!

I enjoyed York city centre!After taking a walk, I went to go shopping. I could buy two sweaters!!
I spent great time!!

Saturday 21 August 2010

from Kyoto to York

Monday, 16 August

I took the airplane in Kansai International Airport at 10:00. I got on KLM and after 12 hours I arrived at Amsterdam. I had 6 hours until I made the plane connection, so I went to the city center of Amsterdam with my friends.

First, it was too difficult for us to buy a thicket. We just didn't know what to do! But the back people told me about how to buy, so we could buy the thicket!

We took the train which was the blue and yellow stripes. I like this design!
In the train I look out of the window and found many nice buildings. So I took some photos.

After we came to the city center, we took a walk around the station. It was crowded with tourists.
Many shops lined both sides of the street. And I discovered some accommodations. There were a lot of ships on the river and some cafe and bars near the river.

We spent great time in Amsterdam. I could take many lovely pictures! We turned back to Schipol airport and took the airplane to go to Leeds airport. At last we arrived at York at 23:00 pm. It took for about 24 hours!